Welcome To Go Sea Kayak

Welcome To The Go Sea Kayak Blog...
This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Sunday, 30 November 2014


So you may be wondering about the fanciful title on this post? It certainly could be due to the very unseasonably warm weather we were having for the last day of November, but no. Wordsworth beautiful poem came into my mind as I was paddling as just a few hours earlier I was resolved to paddle solo out to Flat Holm but Stuart text me to see whats occurring & I found myself having company for the trip :) The Stu text back to see if Gareth could come too & then at the beach I meet Rob who tells me that Hywyl is coming too, they weren't aware of mine & Stu's trip it was just a coincidence that they planned the same trip & were meeting at the same time, so thats why the poem came into my head :)

I wandered lonely as a cloud,
That floats on high o'er vales & hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden Daffodils

Not sure what the guys will feel being compared to Daffodils?
 As you can see the weather was beautiful & very warm considering that the following day is the first of December!
 We head out of Sully with a little tide flowing over the causeway, not much though as we're on neap tides with a lovely half moon due to rise later in the journey.
 This was the first time I've met Gareth & he's a virgin too!
Island virgin that is!
 Our flotilla head off into the wild brown yonder.
 Go Pro remote Taran style, this is on my back deck too!
 Getting back in the seat can be tricky, glad theres no swell!
 My island solitude, except I've a load of Daffs tagging along now :)
 Nice to see the island getting bigger.
 Thats Brean Down on the left & Steep Holm on the right, we weren't going there today.

 The famous brown waters of the Severn :)
 Thats Cardiff in the distance.

 Tea & biccies time :)
 It was sooo calm today that I was able to use my stove right out in the open with no wind shield!

 After a lovely break in the warm sunshine & with another virgin broken in we start to head back to the boats.
 For a quick seal launch down the beach.
 I take a look at the arch but the tide is too high & I just wont fit through!

 Not the best pic but look closely & you can see a beautiful half moon rising :)

 We stop at the Wolves North Cardinal mark for a gander.
 This wee chap is a Turnstone, having some chill time.
Back at Sully & we finish a really perfect day with a few eskimo rolls which wasn't the best idea! The sea wasn't quite as warm as the air!
Top day though :)

Monday, 17 November 2014

Best Of British (Third Teaser)...

Had a bit of an epic day yesterday!  I was up at 0530AM to go collect Elan, Chris, Noel & Stuart & drive us all to Tenby for what was supposed to be the easiest paddle on the DVD, Caldey Island but it turned out to be quite lively!
Hope you enjoy the pics ;)