Welcome To Go Sea Kayak

Welcome To The Go Sea Kayak Blog...
This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Caldey Island, Through Pagan Eye's...

 So, what does a kayak guide do when he's not working? Well he goes kayaking of course! Would be rude not to in such a beautiful part of the World.

This post is Caldey Island seen from my point of view, a Pagan point of view though the word naturalist word probably work just as well. I hope my love of the natural World comes across in my images?

So the plan was simple'ish, paddle from Lydstep Have to Caldey taking in a full circumnavigation of Both Caldey & its sister island St Margret's. I did do I tidal plan but was keen to hit the water so just set off on a foul tide.
 To be fair the tide has little or no influence till I reach Giltar Point, then its a simple ferry glide across the currents which will be flowing West at a rate of 2.1 knots as I start the crossing.
 Looking at St Margret's, that'll have to wait till later.
 The geology here is breathtaking! The rocks on Caldey are a mix of Carboniferous limestone & Old Red Sandstone.
 The dramatic coastline lends itself beautifully to exploring the gullies & playing with the swells as the sea breathes.
 Sea stacks are common along the limestone cliffs.
 As are the numerous caves. I backed into this one to get the shot then looked behind me,
 to see that it has another entrance.
 Or exit in my case :)
 My first beach, sandtop Bay.
 Where I take the opportunity to look around.
 Then onwards along the now sandstone cliffs as I pass West Beacon Point & enter the South of the island.
 I weave in & out of the rocks as I explore the coastline much more intimately then any other mariner is able.
 And to my joy the locals come & check me out, playing hide & seek in their watery home.

 The tourist seem just as interested in me?
 My camera is working hard as I'm in awe of the rock formations.
 And forever in love with the wildlife.
 Time for another walkabout at Drinkim.

 Rock Samphire, yum yum!
 Fossilised waves on a rock that would have formed the bed of an ancient lake many moons ago.
 Back underway & I soon reach Spur Island. I choose to shoot through the gap that has a little tide spilling through. 
Of all of the coast of Caldey this area for me has a wonderful serenity about it.
 I take time to appreciate the Beadlet Anemones.
 And the cluster of Mussles.
 And the beauty of transitions as land, sky & sea meet.
 Before long Tenby comes into view.
 As does a small Barrel Jellyfish that I stroke like a puppy :)
 These unusual indents catch my eye as they look to be man made presumably for the nesting birds, though only a handful are in residence? They may be natural, I'll have to ask the Monks on my next visit.
 Another photo as I reach Priory Bay.
 And a very beautiful view of Tenby, not to mention the iconic Valley Nordkapp that I'm paddling.
 I push on to Sandy Bay & spot a lovely fossil nestling in the cliff.
 I draw my eyes from the rocks to look at St Margret's Island, my next destination.
 And arriving there I cant help but be captivated by the stunning geology that has an austere & foreboding presence to it.
 The island itself is made from limestone so yet again caves present themselves for exploration.
 This one was huge!
 And had an impressive arch standing sentinel at its entrance.
 Once in the cave there was a couple of ways out as well as an antechamber that was a little to shallow to explore.
 I continue on with my circumnavigation marvelling at the puckered rock formations & nesting Kitiwakes as I go.
Before turning around for the 3KM paddle back to the start feeling very refreshed & spiritually uplifted :)

Well I hope this has inspired you & shown you the stunning beauty of South Pembrokeshire? 
Why not book a trip with me yourself, it'll be an experience you won't forget!

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Long Way Around...

Not long after getting back from my last paddle (see last post) did I get a message from my mate Noel to see if I fancied going for a paddle? Hmmm, be rude not too I guess? :)
The tides were a little awkward but I figured we could paddle from Sully on the flood taking the long way to Penarth via Steep Holm, Flat Holm & Monkstone lighthouse.
We met up at 10AM at Penarth to drop a car off then slowly made our way to Sully. There was no rush as the tide had not long started to flood.

I think it was 11:30 when we finally got on the water. The game was on! :)
An hour & ten minutes later (ten less than I predicted) we reached the Idylic looking Steep Holm island.
The Gulls were out in force!
This poor chap was dying. We found him slowly drowning in the water :(
It was one of those 'should we interfere, should we let nature take its course' moments?
Noel decided to rescue him & transport him to the beach. We put him in a nice shady spot for its last moments on this Earth. And the optimist in me likes to think he recovered?
Trying to lighten my thoughts Noel decided to talk about the economic gloom & money grabbing bureaucrats that we're unlikely to ever find a solution too? In fact I may have started that conversation? I'm an optimist that likes to think we'll find an end to World poverty but to do that we need to remove the self serving bureaucrats & tie the countries of the World together in a union that spreads wealth equally without the huge divisions of rich or poor!
Heavy stuff for a chilled paddle on the water! I know it'll never happen but its just a dream I have.
After pondering death, economic disparity & munching a bowl of porridge we finally decided we should probably get paddling so we left the quiet shores behind us & looked to the northern horizon for our next destination.

Flat Holm, just three miles across some impressive tidal flows!
We were on neaps today but as I took this shot I was captivated by how the stationary buoy & lighthouse highlighted the sideways paddling that Noel was doing as he ferry glided to the island.
As with Steep Holm the birds were out in force here too as were the two resident Peregrine falcons. They appear to have taken a dislike to the nest box provided for them & look to have taken up residence in a crack in the cliff? Would be interesting to confirm this with the warden.
The wee cave.
Hybrid Vulture Gull???
Break number two.
Not for long though as our relaxed attitude to the paddle was bringing the ebb tide ever closer.
A quick 10 minute break & we were back underway & heading for Monkstone lighthouse.
It was good to see it at high water again!
I secured my boat & went up the ladder for a pee! Its a hot day & I'm hydrating as I go!
Noel decides to sit this climb out! Shame, its a lovely spot.
Glad my boat is still secured!
Despite being only ten minutes till the tide is meant to go slack/turn? its still flooding quite strongly.
With our three destination complete & feeling happy with ourselves we start the final stretch to Penarth. Noel practices his transit lines & I opt for a guestimate as we both follow different routes & settle into a good pace for the three miles back to shore.
I wasn't too sure that I wanted to paddle again today as I had other jobs to be getting on with but I'm so glad I did! It was an awesome, idyllic day for crossing the tides of the Severn :)