I awoke in plenty off time to set off for sunrise, opening the door of my van I was greeted by the beautiful site of a pre dawn glow in the sky & momentary thick drifting fog. The fog had coated everything in thick hoar frost that turned every little detail into a photographic opportunity. I had no big ambitions for this trip, only a desire to get my paddles wet & see where they take me...
I spent a happy 10 minutes ambling round photographing the ice & hoar frost before setting off...
A quick lap of Bendricks rock before following the tide upstream towards Sully Island...
The fog had mostly cleared by now but remnants of fog held on to the wooded area's near Sully reminding me that it could return at any time...

The tide was high at Sully island & I enjoyed hugging the shore as the small waves crashed onto the cliffs...
I decided to go to Ball Rock that the fog was threatening to envelope at any moment...
The fog was creating unusual lighting more reminiscent of Sunrise...
I made a quick lap of Ball Rock, something you can only do on the spring tides when the sea envelopes the rock. On the highest spring tide it all but submerges...
I travelled blind part of the way back to Sully Island as the fog came down thick. A few more hoarfrost images & I was back underway before I too, froze...
Midway in Sully bay I completely lost sight of land for a happy few minutes. I felt very relaxed & at peace in this glorious empty landscape of sky & sea...Back in my van with a smile on my face & cup of coffee in my hand, (bliss)...