Welcome To Go Sea Kayak

Welcome To The Go Sea Kayak Blog...
This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Friday, 31 August 2012

Warm Front For Greenland...

OK, bit of a long time coming this blog post. I'm sat in an internet cafe in Alghero over a week since the trip & what a trip!

My boss was off to Barcelona for a couple of days leaving me with two days on my hands :)
Finally the chance for the camping trip I've been promising myself.
That bit of firewood on the deck is the reason for the deliberately misleading title.
I'd borrowed my bosses Greenland Paddle for the trip. The plan was to use it on both days & keep my werner as a spare only, that way I can get a real good feel for the stick & I have to say I like it :)
The plan was to paddle from Porto Ferro around to Porto Conti & make camp on a fabulous beach called Abermasa according to the locals though the map says different?

 A familiar paddle to start with, Porto Ferro to Portocciolo.
 Leaving this rock behind I enter new territory, sheers cliffs & adventure.
 I'm pretty excited & loving the new views.
 Especially the new cave views.
Pee & food stop, not an ideal landing but its as good as it gets on this stretch of coastline.
 Approaching Isola Piana.
Its now very, very fecking hot! I'm sweating buckets, theres no breeze & I'm drinking water like mad. My only refuge is the huge caves on Isla Foradada in the distance.

I take refuge for a good twenty minutes after which time a sea breeze materialises from no where but with impeccable timing.
 Cave number two, another quick chillax.
 Then back underway.

 A tour boat dropping tourists at Neptunes Grotto.
Further on & after a quick 3K crossing to the far side of Porto Conti I reach this fab cave that I normally just sit outside whilst the clients go in.
 Abermasa & home for the night.
 Living the dream.
 Perfecto :)

 Looking across to the lighthouse at Cappa Caccia.
 Moonset over the lighthouse.
Day two & I'm up well before dawn as I want to cross to the lighthouse in darkness. I think my soul will appreciate the experience.
Getting lighter as I approach Cappa Caccia & i'm being treated to fly by's by Manx Shearwaters. I'm sure they have magic in their souls as I always get goosebumps when I see these wonderful earthlings.

 Approaching Isla Foradada Again but this time in the still light of dawn.

 I'll leave the cheesy "looking Good" caption just this once, I look like shit :)

An hour & a half into the trip & the sun finally makes an appearance. Time to bake again.
 Isola Pianna.
 Pleasing Juxtapositions.
 Light & Shade.

 An wonderfully calm & uneventfull paddle back, what a fab trip :)

Friday, 10 August 2012

Just The Two Of Us...

A bit late this post due to mobile internet on a dongle :S
I'm back in Blighty for the weekend as I write this & its making me miss Sardinia.

Whereas I'm supposed to be leading groups a quiet day meant I was heading out with just Ann for company on what has now become my favourite day trip from Tramariglio to Punto Negra, (just stunning!).
It was great paddling with Ann as she's an experienced kayaker so I could just chill & enjoy the paddle without having to worry about looking after wobbly clients.
First lunch at an awesome beach near Maristella. This guiding lark is like the life of a Hobbit with first breakfast, second breakfast ect...
Leaving the beach with Cappa Caccia in the distance though we're going left not right.
Cheese :D

A fab little cave. I didn't notice the shaft of light when I took the picture?
An evan better cave that we were able to paddle into :)
Framing Cappa Caccia in the distance.
Seriously Stunning this part of the trip & I regularly see a pair of Peregrin Falcons here.
Ladies first.
Sort of blowhole? Anyone know the name for these, its not a proper blowhole just a small recess that the air gets squeezed out of when a swell pushes its way in?
Second breakfast. I've since found a much nicer beach to land for lunch just a five minute paddle from here. Live & learn.
Sun bleached Cormorants.

Not your typical UK boating hazard :D
Looking good Ann, switz woo ;D
Some paddle float silliness to finish off a fab day with great company :)