Welcome To Go Sea Kayak

Welcome To The Go Sea Kayak Blog...
This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Forever Eastwards...

Eastwards, always bloody eastwards?

The tides in the Bristol channel as you probably know are massive, the second highest in the World after the Bay of Fundy, Canada.
So to avoid a long portage to the waters edge I rarely paddle at low water which means that I usually head east on the last couple of hours of the flood.

I've been meaning to explore the cliffs, caves & amazing geology at Southerndown for a while now. The few times I've been there were the few times that I have paddled at low water. So to get a better look I'd have to leave Ogmore near to high water & head (you guessed it), Eastward.
High water was unfortunately at 'stupid 'O' clock' which meant getting up at 6AM. Not too bad though & at least there's less people about :)
As I leave the pebbles of Ogmore behind I get my first glimpse of what I came for.
Caves & Rocks & striking geology.


The Heritage Coastline...

Arriving at Monknash the wind is in my face & the tide has been ebbing for the last hour. I don't fancy slogging my way to Nash Point so I call it a day & head back.
Looking back at Southerdown I realise that I'm a bit fed up at this paddling back to the van crap & miss the one way bliss of my Wales trip.

Hopefully get some names down for Anglesey next Weekend? :D

Monday, 25 July 2011

Monday Club...

Every Monday a group of kayakers meet at Up & Under, Penarth Road for a paddle in the Bay.
If your in cardiff on a Monday its well worth popping along for a chill out & some skills practice. I've didn't practice my roll's during my Wales Exped so I'm making up for that at the mo & the Bay is perfect for getting your head wet.

 Stuart posing in his new boat & looking rather smug.

Hardly hardcore but a nice evening paddle...

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Impromptu Splash 'n' Dash...

An Impromptu paddle this.
I was camped at the Knap in my van contemplating the possibility of a paddle around high water?
I'd popped to the shop for some T bags & spotted Peter, Melissa & Gareth from the Glam boaters on my way back to the van. I think they were just going for a splash in the Knap Bay or the old harbor but as they were happy for me to tag along I suggested heading to Jacksons bay a couple of headlands along.

Peter & Melissa normally paddle in calmer conditions but both seemed up for the challenge, (especially Melissa who just kept laughing when it got tough(LOL).
Gareth's a river & surf kayaker but keen to try some sea kayaking.

A bumpy start as we headed around to Barry Island, there was some decent following sea's to keep us all on out toe's.
I won't name name's but one of us took a tumble in the race off Jacksons just after this shot. Good x-rescue practice & a quick wave to the Barry Coastwatch to let them know that we were O.K.
A rest & a few rolls for me & Gareth at Jacksons Bay & we head back towards the Knap, giving way to the Barry Pilot first.

It was getting real interesting as we left the shelter of Jacksons Bay behind. I was expecting a bit of wind on tide but it seemed to arrive early & was about F4 with some good sized waves to play in. At least we were going into them.

 Melissa about to disappear.
 Gareth (Left) & Peter (right), hiding behind the swell.

It got particularly challenging just outside the old harbor but everyone did great & we all got back safe & with big grins on their faces. A good couple of hours...

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Anglesey Circumnavigators Wanted...

I purposely left Anglesey off my Wales exped as I felt it a bit too challenging solo but I really want to do it & do it soon.

It would be great to get a group of us bloggers together & spend two to three days circunavigating this fantastic island & throwing in the Skerries too for good measure.

I could do the first, second & third weekend in August.

Any takers?

Tyla Images Expedition Around Wales Day 23, (final Day)...

Big, Big Relief...

I woke about 4 AM today, the forecast was for F7 & moderate to rough sea state  though it all sounded calm outside tent. It was. The rough weather hadn't broken yet so I dived out of bed, pack up without breakfast & headed off to finish my challenge. 

My trolly snapped on the portage to the waters edge but luckily the rocks were rounded smoothed be the sea so I drag the kayak into the water.
It was all calm to Rhyl, across Abergele Roads but I had a nagging suspicion that I'd left my broken camera on the grass & in it most of the images from my trip. I pull in a Rhyl to check, Phew, Still there.
As I make my way around the sand Spit at Rhyl the conditions change & the wind starts picking up. The waves caused by the spit are fun & I have a few close calls. Leaving Rhyl behind the waves keep building. These waves are not from the spit but the open sea, brought in on a Northerly wind. By the time I reach Prestatyn I'm having frequent close calls & bongo slides & landing was a bit hair raising, evan for a baldy like me.
I was hugely relieved by landing on the beach, not only to be off the water in the ever worsening conditions but too have finished my challenge. Hauling up off the beach the conditions went downhill rapidly with torrential rain & big sea's.

Purely by coincident I'd finished at the start, (or finish) of the Offa's Dike path & pose with the signs to Chepstow, my start point of my adventure so long ago.

I sat in a cafe drinking cafe lattes & finishing my book while I waited for my lift back to Cardiff. By the time I left the sea's were massive. A very lucky ending to my trip. Poseidon's been very generous to me on this trip...

Please, Please, Please make a donation to the 'Make A Wish Foundation" using this link. 
Cheers, Taran...


Trip Odom 8.88 Nautical Miles, (10.2 Statute)

Max Speed 7.1 Knots

Average Speed 4 Knots

Time Moving 02:14:41
Bugger, Trust Me To Go The Long way Around...

Waiting For My Lift Back To Cardiff. Maybe Someone Should Mention Its Not A Bus Stop...

Tyla Images Expedition Around Wales Day 22...

Lleiniog To LLanddulas...

A Day For Fear...

I took a big risk today & paid for it with the most tense paddle of my life!
After a nightmare morning portage as the tide was out at Lleiniog & out a long way, I sat in my boat & prepare to go.
I was planning to cross the Menai & follow the sandbanks to the Great Orme.
Big, big mistake! The wind was howling when I left & the rain torrential, obscuring the view of the Great Orme & most of the far side of the Menai.
I was doubting my decision to go at this point but I was in a determined mood.

Half way across the Menai I touch bottom with my paddle? Yep, thats right, I'm in the middle of the Menai Straight at its widest part & the sea's only just deep enough to float my kayak.
I thought this would only be a temporary set back & the water would soon deepen, but no, I was wrong.
I must have struggle on for three quarters of an hour like this. It was slow progress & the high wind kept weathercocking my kayak as I was unable to put my skeg down in the shallows. I evan tried walking at one point but that was no better.
Eventually I spot another sandbank to my left & knew that the water should be deeper between the two. It was.
I was paddling normally again & upto 4 knots. As I'd left the shallows behind I faced a new challenge. I had 5NM to reach the Great Orme & the wind was howling, the sea was rough & the swells were pushing me all over the place.
I have to admit to struggling to control my fear at this point but I stayed calm & concentrated on the task.
Frequent squally showers hid the Great Orme from view & created an ethereal mist on the sea, waves looking like mountains rising from a misty valley.
The squalls came & went & were quite unsettling though their beauty enthralling.

Nearing the Great Orme I spotted a buoy that from a distance looked like another kayaker? I thought, bloody hell, what's he doing out here in these conditions. A few mins later the thought occurred to me, 'what the hell am I doing out here'.

Another problem I was expecting was for it to get rougher as I approached the Great Orme as it was facing into the high winds. I could expect clapotis & also a race as the tide got pinched around the headland. And it certainly did get rougher, the swells were getting steeper & the clapotis creating very confused water. I was using my paddle a lot for support & course corrections. After some focussed paddling I finally made it around the tip of the Orme, it was bigger than I expected & I had to pass a few headlands before I finally got around & into the shelter of Llandudno.

Llandudno couldn't be more different, the sea was calm in the lee of the wind & the sun made an appearance. What was all the fuss about? (LOL).
I pulled in to replenish my water supplies then headed of with the intention of paddling till high water then setting up camp.

It was going O.K. till Rhos On Sea where the sea started to feel the wind again & it became rougher & rougher. I was having to low brace frequently in the waves so decided to get off the water as soon as I could spot a suitable camping spot. I found a suitable location at LLanddulas & gladly got my arse off the water.

Without doubt the most tense paddle I've ever had & definitely the most stupid. Lets hope I learn from this!

Chilling in my tent, (O.K. snoozing) in the afternoon Dave, (Sound of the seagull) popped by to say hi & see if I needed anything which was nice of him.
I'm gonna try & arrange a blogger meet on Anglesey soon for a circumnavigation. Watch this space.

NOTE... The camera's definitely buggered, I'm using my SLR on the last few day's, though not on the water...


Trip Odom 18.2 Nautical Miles, (20.9 Statute)

Max Speed 7.6 Knots

Average Speed 4 Knots

Time Moving ? (couldn't read my writing(LOL).
Home For The Night...

Home For the Night...

Looking Towards Little Orme...

Rain clouds Over The wind-farms...

Tyla Images Expedition Around Wales Day 21...

Day Off At Lleniog...

Not the best of days. I took a gamble coming to Anglesey, I knew if the weather turned bad I'd have to sit it out as the crossing to the Great Orme from where I was camped is a little over 7NM.
My gamble certainly didn't pay off as its F4-5 today & though the wind feels stronger.

I generally spent the day pacing up & down wondering if I should go for it. I wonder if I walk as far pacing on my days off as I kayak during the whole trip?
I decide to wait till the morrow but again the forecast is bad F4-6 occasionally F7 though there's a chance of an F3 wind early on & thats when the tide turns. I keep my fingers crossed...

Great Orme In The Distance...

Tyla Images Expedition Around Wales Day 20...

Nefyn to Lleiniog...

I awoke on Thursday to absolutely stunning conditions. I'm glad I stayed put yesterday as I wouldn't have enjoyed the scenery in this stunning part of the Lleyn as much if my kayak was getting thrown around.
The rugged coast around Nant Gwrtheyrn (the national language centre) to Trefor is quite spectacular. I passed one sheer cliff that was home to hundreds of sea birds, the smell of the colony hits you in the face but is quite wonderful.

After Trefor the coast changes quite dramatically from high cliffs to low lying land & lots of sandy beaches, though still with the snowdonia mountains as an impressive backdrop.

I spotted a school of Dolphins breaching near Ponfllyfni & stopped to watch them for a bit.
Beautiful as this stretch of coast is I was however starting to get a bit bored & looking foreword to the challenges of the Menai.
I was three hours too early for the tide but fancied seeing how far I could get against it. Fort Belan guards the entrance to the Menai & you can really see the current shooting past. To be honest I didn't expect the flow to be so strong this far from the narrower sections of the Menai, it was going like a freight train. Gonna be fun this!
I hugged tight to the shore at Fort Belan but a short spit of land was pushing into the main current. Passed this spit I could see the current dividing with some breaking off into Foyrd Bay. I edged out into the current, paddled hard & aimed for the flow shooting into the bay. I really enjoyed that section but once in the bay it was easy to stay out of the current & make my way towards Caernarfon.

I treated myself to a rest at Caernarfon & popped into Morrisons cafe for a cheese & mushroom omelette with chips & salad washed down with a cafe Latte. I was quite a sight for the locals as I was still wearing my kayak gear,  bare feet & covered from head to toe in dried sea salt & with an exped beard too. I looked a proper salty sea dog (LOL).

Leaving Caernafon I carried on towards the Swellies expecting some action. Arriving there I could see that the tide had turned but only just. The water was bearly moving & the week currents did nothing to unsettle the kayak. I was a bit disappointed, (I'll just have to come back soon).

I was really tired by now, I had hoped to be hitting 6-7 knots through the Menai but as I arrived too early before the tide had turned I was probably only managing 3-4 knots with some assistance from a tailwind. I say probably as my GPS wouldn't switch on today. Add to that my camera which only works intermittently so there's a lack of pictures today.

I consider skipping Anglesey & to push on past the great Orme as the conditions are fab & the tide flowing but I'm tired & beaten up. My elbow is causing me to grimace, my broken blisters sore & my bum aches from sitting all day. I've very little strength left so pull in at Lleiniog & set camp.
Its a bit of a gamble as I'll be stuck if the weather turns bad as its a 7 mile crossing from camp to the Great Orme.

GEEK STATS, (estimated)...

Trip Odom 30'ish Nautical Miles

Average 4 knots between Nefyn & Fort Belan (judging from the time & distance)

Nant Gwrtheyrn...

Trwyn Y Tal...



A Dramatic Change In Landscape...


Britannia Bridge...