Sea Kayaking Excursions in Sardinia...
Some journeys in Life are very special and this paddle around the stunning Island of Isola di Tavolara is one such journey! The island dominates the surrounding landscape for miles in all directions. Physically it is 3 miles long, ¾ of a mile wide and 564 metres high. It was once one of the smallest kingdoms in the World and you can still visit the Kings of Tavolara in the cemetery on the Island.
The paddle out from the mainland is always exciting as the view opens up in front of you.
It doesn't take long to reach the island but we take a break and go for a walk as the majority of the island is Military and off limits to the public. We won't be able to land again until we finish circumnavigating the island, which takes about 3 hours.
This is the cemetery where some of the islands Kings now rest.
Back in the kayaks and we start by tackling the northern end of the island first.
We soon reach the northeastern point and an amazing view!
This is Poseidon's arch, tidy da!
Theres a small cave to see before reaching the corner to the southern side of the island.
Then boom! This incredible view greets you. The photo really doesn't do it justice! The furthest point of the island in front of you is 3 miles (5KM) away and the height is 564 mteres high! In places the cliffs reach straight down to the sea floor 14 metres below, no transition, just a vertical plunge! The scale and the beauty really does blow you away.
I'll let the following pics talk for themselves!
After what always seems a long time due to the tired arms and empty bellies we reach the western point of the island where we can once again stop for a rest :)
It's a good spot for a cheesy tourist photo too!
This really is a great trip that we ca offer to people with moderate kayaking experience as it is a long paddle and committing too. If you think you're up to it then get in touch at
Ciao for now! :)
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