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This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Monday, 6 August 2012

Eye's Wide Open...

 After working pretty hard over here I finally get a day off & spend the evening doing what I love most, more kayaking :S

I was parked up at Tramariglio ready for a late evening paddle to Isola Foradada, a really cool Island near Neptunes Grotto, A big tourist attraction over here.
This was a pretty special trip for me. I visited Neptunes Grotto in 2010 & was blown away by the place but couldn't help dreaming of returning one day to paddle there in the late evening light.
I'm pretty pleased with the images I got on this trip but they don't convey the wonderful sounds of the sea gurgling under the undercut limestone ledges, the force of the spray as a swell surges into small holes squeezing out the air & the wonderful warm sea smell that subtly changed as the temperature gradually dropped from fecking hot to just hot. Not to mention the infectious joy & contentment of the locals in their pleasurecraft :)
Ready for launch at Tramariglio,
A familiar paddle to get me started.
Capo Caccia in the distance.
These towers are all around this coastline but strangely have no doors? I think they enter via a ladder???
Isola Foradada comes into view, I've paddle out here a couple of days ago but its lovely to now be on my own.
Stunning! The scenery of course ;D
Happy locals.
The first cave on Isola Foradada.
I avoided the caves on the last visit due to the swells so today I'm going to explore.

Cave number two on Isola Foradada. It's a biggy & I could almost paddle straight through.

Evan the powerboats go in.
Cave three on Isola Foradada, this small island is a real corker :)

Looking at the mainland I spot another cave.
naturally I head off to explore.
And it was soooo worth it :)

Following the cliffs I find another cave. The coast around here is predominantly limestone hence the fantastic geology.
Looking up at the gates to Mordor.
Which actually lead to Neptunes Grotto.
Looking out of the grotto from a small antechamber, kayaks only in here :)
Continuing on & I find yet another cave,
& another.

& another, this place is awesome!
Back to the familier coast at Capo Caccia for a gentle paddle back to Tramariglio.
Passing some more locals on the way.

Admiring the sunset :)
A perfect end to one of my best paddles ever.
Got my eye on a night paddle past Alghero next, watch this space :)


  1. Wow!!! What a wonderful place! And all those caves, fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Looks and sounds fantatic! Glad you are having a great time. L :)
