Welcome To Go Sea Kayak

Welcome To The Go Sea Kayak Blog...
This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Sunday, 13 January 2019

The Southern Maddalena Islands...

Sea Kayaking Excursions in Sardinia...

Sometimes the best adventures are right on your doorstep. I felt this back when I lived in Wales and I fell it here too! Sardinia is an amazing place to live and I'm very lucky to have such stunning locations to paddle so close to home. The start point for this trip is just ten minutes from home and the trip itself is quite an adventure!
I launch from a place called the Cozza, which translates as Mussels and there is a shallow Bay here where they are harvested. The Cozza is also the place where me and Melissa started and finished our kayak circumvavigation of Sardinia two years ago. Its a special place for us.
The conditions were lovely for early January! It's quite mild in Winter here but not always. As I write this now a few days later it is colder and I can see snow in the mountains. A big change from the 40 degree heat that I have experienced here in Summer!
As the islands come into sight we settle into our thoughts, chatting intermittently during the one hour crossing.

First landfall on Isola di Soffi with a view of mainland Sardinia in the distance.
The Jellyfish were everywhere today and a pleasure to see. They are known as Mauve Stingers Pelagia Noctiluca. Their pretty harmless but do give an uncomfortable sting!

The islands form a chain for Island hopping and from the Northern side of Soffi the view of the islands opens up.
As we approach Isola di Mortorio we take time to look at the wonderful view of the Golfo Aranci in the distance.

Here we can see the furthest point of the trip, Rocce Mortorio, some 5 miles offshore from the mainland using our route though only 2½ miles if we paddled further north.
It's small and split into two rocks and feels like a very special place to me.
This is the view back from Rocce Mortorio to the main Island of Mortorio.

We stopped for a quick beach clean on the Eastern end of Mortorio.

Time for lunch and we stop at Roley Poley Bay, (Our name for it) on the island of Le Camere. We named it this as Milly did her first Eskimo roll here a few years back :)
It's quite a spot!

After a good long rest in the lovely Roley Poley Bay we begin the long paddle back to the mainland with smiles on our faces :)
We run this trip as one of our kayak excursions when the weather is good. Get in touch and come join us!
Sea kayaking Excursions in Sardinia...

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