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This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Breaking Dawn...

Breaking Dawn At Sully again but with bigger aspirations than normal. today we had our sites on Brean Down, England, a paddle I've only done once before. This is a pretty committing paddle, its big spring tides combined with the second highest tidal range in the World, I hope my vectors work!
Conditions are perfect for the trip. I'm paddling with my regular group of misfits, Stuart, Jules & Eurion, all bloggers too so this trip will be having some good media coverage ;D
It's pretty nippy as we get ready to leave but I reckon it'll warm up soon as the Earths Star lifts above the horizon so I opt for my shorty wetsuit & cag.
After a good warm up ferrying across the fast tide on Sully causeway I head straight for the race off the West tip of Sully Island. I want some playtime :)
The waves look pretty small here, in fact their not huge, head height at very most but their steep & short & surging & very, very good fun.
 I turn back in for a surf, loving the playfulness of Poseidon this morning.
From shore to midway the Earths Star put on one hell of a show as the hues of deep blue & dark orange gave way to the gentler pastel shades of dawn.
 It was bringing out the photographer in all of us.

 Next stop Steep Holm in the distance.
We were all pretty far spread out by now, Stuart & Eurion seem to be doing there own thing, maybe my vector is wrong but I'm sticking with it.
I arrived at Steep Holm about a hundred metres short & had to retrace my steps to Rudder Rock. The faffing earlier in the paddle must of put me off course a touch as we did drift a little whilst grouping up so I reckon my vector was good. Too good in fact, I think next time I'll aim off & plot my estimated position a little further upstream to give some leeway.
We arrived at Steep Holm 40 minutes late as we were late getting on the water at Sully so my other vectors I'd done at home would be out so me & Eurion settled on a guesstimate to reach Brean Down, 150° or straight into the Sun.
 A sea mist came & went.
 Rements shrouding the summit of Steep Holm.
Flat Holm behind us, that'll soon change. We decide that we're cutting it a bit fine to reach Brean Down as we'd be paddling back on the ebb so we decide to turn about just a mile & a half from our destination.
I think this was a good decision though I do wonder if all this 5 star, incident avoidance stuff has started to sink in?
 Jules is sporting an early form of on deck navigation, Ducky'poos, the Wigeon.
 The race is picking up at Flat Holm, more playtime :)
 Now you see Jules,
 Now you dont!
Eurion & Stuart landed before me & Jules & went up yonder to find Hywel, who's boat was at our landing spot. The mischievous Ducky'poos found a  hiding spot in Eurions boat :oS
The Coastguard were out training. Stuarts familiar with the big boat, ain't that right Stu ;D
Hywel joins us for the paddle back to the mainland. Sociable sport this sea kayaking :)
 Shooting the gap at Church Rock.

Passing the Wolves North Cardinal Buoy in a not insignificant amount of tide.
We make Sully with no problems & were definitely a touch conservative with our guesstimate angle on the way back.
I'm not too disappointed we turned around short of England, we all got back safe & had a great paddle which is kinda the point we do this stuff.
Happy days :)


  1. Usual cracking photos Taran. You stimulated me to try to get my blog up-to-date. I haven't managed it yet - got up to around end August this year now, and realised I'd not published details of my 2011 Scottish trip - so it's a bit out of order. http://canwiohywel.blogspot.co.uk/

    Notice the spelling: HYWEL not Hwll (which would rhyme with the Pwll in Pwllheli). See you on the sea again.

  2. Hey Hywel, I did wonder about the spelling of your name, thanks to growing up in the bloody Thatcher era I wasn't taught Welsh at School :(

    Was great meeting you & I'll amend the spelling mistakes (LOL) ;D
