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Welcome To The Go Sea Kayak Blog...
This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Friday, 30 December 2011

Glam Boaters New Year Splash...

With so much holiday time for everyone at this time of year it seemed an idea to try & get everyone out on the sea. I put some calls out & got together a mix from novice, intermediate to experienced paddlers.I picked a calm day so we could do some exploring but the focus was gonna be mainly skills development.
All together we had Carol, Stuart, Laura, Anthony, Peter, Jules & Gareth in his new green Delphin.
I had hoped to teach ferry-gliding as we crossed to Sully Island but there was very little current running.
At Sully Island on the West side there was some surf for the more adventurous.
And a chicken run for the more sensible. Not sure how Stuart & Jules got in this shot as they were playing in the surf, probably didn't want to miss a posing opportunity.
Me, Stuart & Jules were enjoying some rockhopping in the swell though I couldn't entice the others over, they kept a sensible safe distance.

I nearly got caught out by here, a big wave appeared from the depths which was amusing as I was very close to the rocks & paddling hard to avoid being swept in. Stuart missed the shot (LOL).
 Peters paddling technique is coming along nicely.
Carol working on her stern rudder, looking good, just a little more rotation to get the left arm back.
We all practiced in St Mary's bay for ages as it was lovely & calm but it soon got lumpy as we paddled a short distance from the shore. The reason being the St Mary's sandbar that we were floating over. Good practice conditions.
 A quick break on Sully Island before we head back.
Not before Jules initiates some rolling practice with me & Gareth both getting ice cream heads too. Stuart had conveniently pulled his boat ashore by this point (LOL).
It was lovely & peaceful on the water today despite the rain & we all would have stayed out longer if the rapidly ebbing tide wasn't uncovering mud!

Great to get so many from the club out on the water, & looking forward to the next one :D

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