Welcome To Go Sea Kayak

Welcome To The Go Sea Kayak Blog...
This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Friday, 2 December 2011

Sea Kayak Meditation...

My heads been a bit busy since getting back in South Wales having totally blown the budget on my travels I now find myself constantly looking for solutions to the problems i've created :O.
Time for a bit of headspace & the 5 mile crossing to Flat Holm seemed the perfect solution :)
Arriving at Sully Island the conditions were unusual, the wind was hardly noticeable though there was a decent swell running, a remnant of the storm last night I guess.
A small amount of fun on the causeway playing in the shallows & then onto the cute, ickle standing waves.
 Approaching the tip of Sully Island, shall I go or shan't I?
Hell yeah, I'm going. I loved the paddle out, leaving the shore behind, the swells passed like wraiths in the calm waters, drifting under the kayak like a memory of a thought.
I passed the south side of Flat holm, the chop & clapotic waves bringing a smile to my face. Above on the West side however it was perfectly calm & a burst of sunshine in the distance was illuminating Cardiff.
 Time to go walkabout.

 Fine looking ladies :O

 Time for some more fun.
Seal Launch Heaven, wish I could of filmed this, I hit the water like a torpedo & grinning like an idiot :)
 Through the gap at castle Rock then onwards to Lavernock.
I made it to Lavernock Outfall in quick time. I had swells hitting from my left rear all the way back from Flat Holm & made good progress pissing about & surfing them back to shore with many a grin & whoops of joy.
I didn't head straight for shore though, the tide was running at lavernock Outfall & the swells were running straight into the tide in the race at lavernock, time for some more surfing :)
I was rather hot after my tide race surfing so I pulled into the calm of the eddy & practiced my rolls & before finishing for the day I did another lap of Sully Island.
I had a wonderful few hours on the water & my heads all the better for it!


  1. Nice on shore pics. No naked people this time then.


  2. Couldn't think of a sheep comment as good as Eurions 'alleged Welsh Comforters' LOL.
