I got a text of Gareth Saturday night saying he fancied a paddle, as it happens I did so we arranged to meet at Sully an hour & a half before HW & see what happens.
Upon arriving there it was obvious that Flat Holm would be the best option in the calm sea's.We got ready to go & paddled straight into the reasonably calm race off the West side of Sully Island.
Before beginning the now familiar, (for me) crossing to Flat Holm.
Steep Holm can wait for another day.
Arriving to the solitude? of the Island. Some Sully boat club members had got here first.
Going for a walk on the island was a risky proposition.
Gareth got pecked on the head, drawing blood & they shit on him too :) I also got a peck on the head but luckily avoided being shit on.
These cute little critters were responsible for all the commotion.
He he he, spot the poo.
Time to go & I get ready for a wee seal launch :)
Approaching my fave gap its disappointingly calm, another day maybe.
An uneventful but pleasant paddle back to Sully set us up nicely for some balancing games, rolling & rescues.
Video of the shenanigans to follow ;D
Love the birdies