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Welcome To The Go Sea Kayak Blog...
This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Monday, 28 November 2011

Cruising For Boys...

Errr, I meant Buoys, honest :O
Back in South Wales again for this one & nice to get out far a paddle with Stuart again.

We were planning a one way today & with my van left in Penarth we drove to the Knap in Stuarts van, bugs an all ;D
It was a lot calmer than the forecast indicated which was a bit of a shame. Not only did I fancy a little play but I could of asked a few of the Glam Boaters along if I knew it was gonna be this calm.
 Passing the entrance to Barry Dock with a good strong wind on our backs.
 With the tide right out we would have to pass the South-side of Sully Island.
We were contemplating Flat Holm in the distance when the coastguard weather forecast came in on the radio with a forecast for strong winds. With the North Westerly wind we would be paddling into the wind to get back to Penarth, didn't fancy that much. That combined with just a couple of hours daylight left & we decide against it.
 And had a rest on St Mary's Bay Sandbar.

 Then off again to cruise for boys, sorry buoys ;D
 First Lavernock Outfall.
Then Rannie.
 Then playtime, I spotted a reef-break & couldn't resist.
Couldn't resist pinching a few images of Stuarts blog either, cheers Stu ;D
Stuart took a cracking shot of me rolling. I thought with my 5 star assessment booked for February I'd better get some practice in, about 5 rolls on each side.
Then time to get dry :)


  1. There were a couple of Glam Boaters on the other side of Barry Knap as you were starting off. When we saw you we turned around 180 degrees!! :)D


  2. Bit different to friday then Taran! My boats still full of sand!

  3. PMSL nice one Pete, probably a wise move. Jules wasn't so fortunate when he came out with me on friday, the wind was brutal :)
