Welcome To Go Sea Kayak

Welcome To The Go Sea Kayak Blog...
This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Tyla Images Expedition Around Wales Day 23, (final Day)...

Big, Big Relief...

I woke about 4 AM today, the forecast was for F7 & moderate to rough sea state  though it all sounded calm outside tent. It was. The rough weather hadn't broken yet so I dived out of bed, pack up without breakfast & headed off to finish my challenge. 

My trolly snapped on the portage to the waters edge but luckily the rocks were rounded smoothed be the sea so I drag the kayak into the water.
It was all calm to Rhyl, across Abergele Roads but I had a nagging suspicion that I'd left my broken camera on the grass & in it most of the images from my trip. I pull in a Rhyl to check, Phew, Still there.
As I make my way around the sand Spit at Rhyl the conditions change & the wind starts picking up. The waves caused by the spit are fun & I have a few close calls. Leaving Rhyl behind the waves keep building. These waves are not from the spit but the open sea, brought in on a Northerly wind. By the time I reach Prestatyn I'm having frequent close calls & bongo slides & landing was a bit hair raising, evan for a baldy like me.
I was hugely relieved by landing on the beach, not only to be off the water in the ever worsening conditions but too have finished my challenge. Hauling up off the beach the conditions went downhill rapidly with torrential rain & big sea's.

Purely by coincident I'd finished at the start, (or finish) of the Offa's Dike path & pose with the signs to Chepstow, my start point of my adventure so long ago.

I sat in a cafe drinking cafe lattes & finishing my book while I waited for my lift back to Cardiff. By the time I left the sea's were massive. A very lucky ending to my trip. Poseidon's been very generous to me on this trip...

Please, Please, Please make a donation to the 'Make A Wish Foundation" using this link. 
Cheers, Taran...


Trip Odom 8.88 Nautical Miles, (10.2 Statute)

Max Speed 7.1 Knots

Average Speed 4 Knots

Time Moving 02:14:41
Bugger, Trust Me To Go The Long way Around...

Waiting For My Lift Back To Cardiff. Maybe Someone Should Mention Its Not A Bus Stop...


  1. Think I'll go shave my new beard off now :)

  2. You sir, are a mentalist!

  3. LOL, Always a spare kayak for you J :)

  4. Congratulations Taran, great effort and well done for sticking with it during all the recent changeable weather.

  5. That's cheating your supposed to paddle back! Well done mat e a big achievement.


  6. Congratulations Taran, it really is a big achievement and takes a lot of bottle. Well done mate!
