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This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Tyla Images Expedition Around Wales Day 19...

Porth Dinllaen To Nefyn...

Hmmm, Screwed up quite a bit today. For Some reason I slowly packed up, got in my boat & then & only then did I actually focus on the sea & look at what it was doing?
I had been looking at the view all morning, (hard not too), but it hadn't occurred to me to check the sea state & the sea state was pretty rough, whoops!
There were white caps everywhere & a decent surf.
Not a promising start but as I was already in my boat I decided to give it a go.

It was well bumpy in Porth Dinllaen at the large bay was facing the wind. A couple of times I got hit side on by some big waves but managed to brace & bongo slide my way out of trouble. It cant be a good omen to be fighting with the sea this early in the day so I gingerly make my way to Nefyn beyond the next headland & look for a camp spot.

I planned to sit it out on the beach & carry on if the conditions improved.
It was cold in the wind so I put my inner tent up for shelter not wanting to fully unpack just incase I got another chance to get going. I chose my spot carefully on landing so that & didn't have to move to set up camp for the night & By about 4PM I admitted defeat & set up camp properly.

My GPS seems to be buggered & kept switching off though it usually does that if it gets knocked & I did have some large waves break onto be so maybe it was that...


Trip Odom 1.62 Nautical Miles, (1.86 Statute)

Max Speed 4.7 Knots

Average Speed 2.8 Knots

Time Moving 34 mins

Leaving Porth Dinllaen...

Temporary Camp,(inner tent only)...

Permanent Camp...


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