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This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Anglesey Circumnavigators Wanted...

I purposely left Anglesey off my Wales exped as I felt it a bit too challenging solo but I really want to do it & do it soon.

It would be great to get a group of us bloggers together & spend two to three days circunavigating this fantastic island & throwing in the Skerries too for good measure.

I could do the first, second & third weekend in August.

Any takers?


  1. Great idea but think I'd need to get some more sea kayaking under my belt first, plus a boat! Also already away doing stuff this summer hols....... next year?

    Great write up of your trip! Excellent adventure.


  2. Think I'll do this every year Jules, got a spare boat though if you change your mind :)

  3. I am away the 1st 2 weeks, and will have only just got back for the 3rd.
    A bit later in the year would suit me better - September?


  4. Hey Martyn, I cant do the third weekend now, Glam Boaters, Pembrokeshire weekend.

    Taking my sister from Australia touring in September.

    Gonna be fun organising this.

  5. I'm in Skye in September, Pembs in August sounds good thanks for letting me know. Looks like a winter job then. To be honest we got more done last winter than we have in this summer, apart from you actually went around the entire country. Prefer winter paddling anyway.


  6. Hmmm, this is getting tricky, I'm down to the 1st & 2nd weekend in August.

    Not sure about winter at Penrhyn Mawr, The Stacks & Scaries???

  7. I've been 3 times around Penrhyn Mawr, It is fine, just keep away at big springs.
    Sheffield canoe club have done the Skerries a few times, it sounded ok from their description.
    South Stack worries me a bit, have shy'd away a couple of times now :o


  8. I'll also be going west beginning of August. Do you really have to go all the way around? you kinda miss everything out that way.


  9. Hey Stu, I think you miss more if you don't go all the way around? (LOL)

    I was thinking three days anyway, plenty of time for rockhopping :)

  10. I'd love to do this!

    If the third week of August is out I can do 6th to 10th August.

    I have paddled Penrhyn Mawr (great fun!), did Porth Dafarch to North Stack and Parliament House cave recently. If I might suggest an overnight stay at the brickworks at Porth Wen, that would be awesome.

    P&H Capella 161 paddler.

  11. Yep, I can do the 6th to 10 of Aug too.

    The brickworks would be ideal, been there a few times now. Abermenai point would be awesome too.

  12. I'm thinking of arranging thew Anglesey trip for the 6th, 7th & 8th of August now, gotta narrow it down a bit & pin some names to the dates.

    Any takers?
