Welcome To Go Sea Kayak

Welcome To The Go Sea Kayak Blog...
This Blog is A Record Of My Personal Adventures And Wonderful Kayaking Lifestyle. It Is Also A Taster Of What You Can Expect If You're Adventurous Enough To Tag Along. Why Not Get In Touch And Join One Of Go Sea Kayaks Guided Trips On The Beautiful Mediterranean Island Of Sardinia, You Won't Regret it!

Sunday, 9 October 2011

4 Star Assessment, day 2...

I did it (phew). 
It was a hard day on the water today. The conditions were outside of remit most of the time & would of suited a 5 star assessment.

Thanks to Chris, Richard & Dirk for being crazy enough to volunteer as our guinea pigs & Peter, Clive & Gavin who were also being assessed.

And a big thanks to Jeff & Simon from Sea Kayak Cornwall.
Too knackered to type anymore (LOL)...


  1. That looks like some nasty conditions!! Rather you than me. Well done mate!

  2. It was quite blustry that day here in Wales, I was wondering how things were going, looks like you could have done your 5 star at the same time. Well done bud.

  3. Well done Taran...looks as though you've had some great paddling as part of the process.

  4. Does that mean you passed then??? Looks like you had a great couple of weeks. Let me know when your back.

